
The American media has a `headache` with the Biden – Trump duo

The American media has a `headache` with the Biden - Trump duo 0

The American media has a `headache` with the Biden – Trump duo

(Dan Tri) – The focus on President Biden’s age and the adjustment in the way of reporting on Mr. Trump are two of many issues causing headaches for the American media before the 2024 presidential election.

President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump (Photo: AFP, Reuters).

This is the most watched American television broadcast since the 1969 Moon landing: the final match of the American professional football league (NFL) and the largest sporting event in the country.

However, on February 18, President Joe Biden refused an interview before this exciting match, missing the opportunity to attract 123.4 million viewers.

It was a change that sparked a wave of criticism against Mr. Biden, a character considered the most `media-shy` president in modern times.

President Biden also holds fewer official press conferences, abandoning the tradition of year-end interview programs and only occasionally holding joint media events with visiting foreign leaders.

It is the current president’s timidity that is the source of frustration for the American press.

`It was a terrible mistake. If he continues to withdraw from interviews and appear in other media, it will only make the public suspicious or worry that he is avoiding

Age is really becoming a big issue in the upcoming US election, especially for Mr. Biden, the oldest president in US history.

About 78% of respondents in the Reuters/Ipsos poll – including 71% of Democrats – said he was too old to continue working in government, while the same number for former President Trump

Mr. Trump’s opponent in the Republican race, 52-year-old Nikki Haley, said that both of them were too old to hold the presidency and both of their perceptions needed to be tested.

`My memory is fine`

The issue of Mr. Biden’s age was pushed to the forefront again after special adviser Robert Hur, a former lawyer in former President Trump’s administration, said in a report about the handling of the president’s confidential documents.

President Biden angrily denied Hur’s accusations about his memory, insisting during an appearance at the White House that `my memory is fine.`

President Biden’s administration took the unusual step of sending a letter to the White House Correspondents’ Association accusing the media of making `serious errors` in reporting on the incident.

Mr. Biden’s allies also accused the media of applying `double standards`, focusing less on Mr. Trump’s comments at a rally in South Carolina about `abandoning` his NATO allies.

Mr. Biden’s campaign team detailed in a press release that political programs on major television networks spent 5 minutes and 52 seconds on Mr. Trump’s NATO comments, compared to 21 minutes.

Mr. Trump, who has made `indiscretions` in the past, is now very selective when it comes to the media.

But former President Trump deliberately avoided mainstream networks and newspapers.

Mr. Trump’s candidacy for president this time also poses a challenge to the media itself.

Kristen Welker, host of NBC’s Meet the Press, argues that there have been some important changes since then.

`We don’t do that anymore. We keep up the pace, whether it’s a tweet, whether it’s a speech, do we live stream it, do we record it?

But now there are fears the media is shifting too much by barely covering Mr. Trump’s rallies, an approach that carries its own risks.

Some journalists warned that this could mean that American voters missed out on a comprehensive view of candidate Trump to decide whether to elect him for the next term or not.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes argued last month that Mr. Trump had `wrongly` benefited when major networks no longer broadcast his speeches live and were banned from social media.

Some analysts have called on the media to focus less on the traditional `race` between candidates and more on the potential consequences for American democracy.

Many Democrats are still confused by polls showing that Mr. Biden is facing many difficulties, despite the fact that the economy is growing and other effectiveness in foreign policy.

Larry Jacobs, Director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the University of Minnesota, said: `Sometimes blaming the media is just looking for a scapegoat. After all, Mr. Biden is the one who made President Ai

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