
Scandal in the Saudi Royal Family

Scandal in the Saudi Royal Family 5

Scandal in the Saudi Royal Family

The US-Saudi Arabia alliance is facing a series of new crises, especially when the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) published a 28-page report.

Surprisingly, in this report, the FBI and CIA indirectly accused Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of sponsoring the hijackers and the Al-Qaeda terrorist network.

From terrorism charges

According to news from CNN, Saudi Arabia is threatening to sell assets worth $750 billion in the US if Washington passes a law allowing victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack to sue foreign governments.

This pressure on the US is even greater because Saudi Arabian officials are still very worried about the information that the CIA and FBI published a 28-page report on the September 11, 2001 incident, including details for the US.

Furthermore, previous investigation results confirmed that 15 of the 19 hijackers participating in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack were of Saudi Arabian nationality.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

In a letter to a US federal court judge in New York last February, Zacarias Moussaoui revealed that a member of the Saudi Royal Family aided the Al-Qaeda terrorist network in the 1990s.

That person, as Zacarias Moussaoui revealed, is Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the US and Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal.

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan even introduced him to an employee of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the US to discuss a plan to use Stinger missiles to shoot down Air Force One carrying the US President.

Now, in newly revealed documents from the CIA and FBI, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan is accused of having a close relationship with Osama Bassman, a high-ranking member of the Al-Qaeda terrorist network, who is considered

The report states that `Osama Bassman and his wife received direct financial support from the Saudi Ambassador to the US (Prince Bandar bin Sultan) and his wife.`

In addition, the FBI also confirmed that Osama Bassman was in contact with two September 11, 2001 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmin, and a terrorist supporter named Omar al-Bayoumi when

Furthermore, the phone number of a company in the state of Colorado (USA) related to Bandar bin Sultan, along with the number of a security guard working at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, are all in the diary.

A notable point is that Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s wife also had time to transfer money to Osama Bassman’s wife.

Scandal in the Saudi Royal Family

Prince Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan was accused of smuggling 2 tons of cocaine on a Royal plane in 1999. Photo: AP.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s wife also once transferred about $2,000 to Osama Bassman’s wife in 1999, saying it was to pay for her services in the family, but in reality, this man’s wife did nothing.

Blin Shaykh has now been sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in a terrorist attack plot.

In October 2002, an assistant to the FBI Director at that time also revealed that he had talked and checked the financial activities of Prince Bandar bin Sultan’s wife.

To illegal activities

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan served as Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the US from 1983 to 2005 and then became Secretary General of the National Security Council and Director of Saudi Arabia’s National Intelligence Agency (GID).

The terms of this contract show that Britain will provide Saudi Arabia with 72 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft (5th generation fighter aircraft) and 30 Hawk aircraft within a period of 20 years.

Scandal in the Saudi Royal Family

Prince Bandar bin Sultan has a close relationship with American officials.

However, in December 2006, the British press exposed many secrets showing that, to sign this contract, BAE Systems (the unit implementing the contract) had launched a lobbying campaign.

In addition, Prince Bandar bin Sultan also received an Airbus 340 worth 80 million USD from BAE Systems on his birthday;

After this investigation, relations between Britain and Saudi Arabia were still at risk of rift after the British Supreme Court ordered Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf, King Abdullah’s nephew and Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador, to return Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf.

But after these items were purchased, the Prince did not pay Walid El Hage.

But scandals involving members of the Saudi Royal Family have not stopped there.

Previously, the US also suspected the Prince of being involved in drug smuggling and sentenced two members of the Royal Family to a total of 24 years in prison and a fine of 25,000 USD in 2005. Two years later, customs at the airport

This amount of drugs was packaged in 32 cartons and 8 suitcases, labeled on the outside as the drug Captagon (used to treat symptoms of hyperactivity and depression).

According to Ngoc Khue (summary)

World security

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