
Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war 0

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

(Dan Tri) – The intense fighting between Russia and Ukraine pushed many innocent civilians into exile, or lived anxiously under the smoke of war.

Fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces has broken out since February 24 when Moscow announced a special operation to `demilitarize Ukraine`.

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

Since the war broke out, the lives of Ukrainian people have been completely turned upside down.

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

More than half a million people have had to leave their homeland, fleeing from the lurking danger that could happen at any time due to the outbreak of war.

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

A dazed woman sits in front of a makeshift tent in Poland after fleeing from Ukraine.

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

An Afghan family found themselves in a difficult situation when they had just fled their homeland last year to Ukraine after the Taliban came to power, but now fighting forced them to continue fleeing to Poland (Photo: Reuters)

Scenes of exile of Ukrainian civilians amid the flames of war

Many people with stable homes suddenly became refugees (Photo: Reuters).

For many people, an uncertain future awaits them.

For those who choose to stay, or are stuck and unable to evacuate, life becomes a risky `gamble` for them.

Civilians sit in a shelter in a building in Kiev.

The place that was once called home in the separatist region of Donetsk, Eastern Ukraine, is now only a pile of rubble after intense shelling.

In many areas, people prepared gasoline bombs to be ready to protect the cities.

Russia previously affirmed that it would only aim weapons at Ukrainian military facilities, not innocent civilians.

Now, the whole world is looking for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, to put an end to the suffering of civilians caught between two lines of fire.

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