
Mr. Trump went to Iowa to overwhelm his opponent DeSantis

Mr. Trump went to Iowa to overwhelm his opponent DeSantis 0

Mr. Trump went to Iowa to overwhelm his opponent DeSantis

(Dan Tri) – On August 12, Mr. Trump and Mr. DeSantis held competing events in Iowa, while the former US President dominated election polls and the Florida Governor faced difficulties.

Mr. Trump at the Iowa State Fair on August 12 (Photo: Reuters).

Mr. Ron DeSantis, who had to `replace` his staff twice in the past three weeks and is lagging in the polls, has long planned to attend the Iowa State Fair to restart his presidential campaign.

The Iowa State Fair is the most important political event in this state for US presidential candidates, attracting more than 1 million visitors in 2022. This year’s fair is held in the capital city of Des Moines in

But late on August 12, Mr. Trump announced that he would attend the Iowa State Fair on the same day as Mr. DeSantis.

When Mr. DeSantis – the current Governor of Florida – was serving customers in the pork booth at the Iowa State Fair, Mr. Trump’s private plane was noisily flying very close to the fairgrounds.

Mr. Trump went to Iowa to overwhelm his opponent DeSantis

Trump supporters at the Iowa State Fair on August 12 (Photo: Reuters).

Before that, another plane flew around the fairgrounds with a banner reading `Be nicer, Ron!`

Mr. Trump’s election campaign said it was not behind the above banner.

The New York Times assessed that the reception that Mr. Trump received at the Iowa State Fair was much warmer than that of Mr. DeSantis.

When Mr. Trump arrived at the event, he received cheers from a large crowd.

Before Mr. Trump stepped on stage, his team distributed leaflets attacking Mr. DeSantis as a `disaster` for farmers.

Mr. Trump went to Iowa to overwhelm his opponent DeSantis

Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis – current Governor of Florida – greeted supporters at the Iowa State Fair taking place in the capital Des Moines on August 12 (Photo: Reuters)

Meanwhile, Mr. DeSantis was booed by Mr. Trump’s supporters as he carried his daughter on his shoulders and walked through a beer bar.

Iowa is the first state to hold a presidential nomination contest within the Republican Party on January 15, 2024.

But Mr. Trump’s appearance at the fair could `take over` Mr. DeSantis and dominate the headlines.

Trump’s appearance will also cause additional difficulties for other Republican presidential candidates.

In addition to Mr. Trump and Mr. DeSantis, 9 other candidates will attend the fair from August 11 to August 18, but all of them only have a single-digit support rate, more than 40 percentage points less than Mr. Trump, according to

Also according to the above poll, Mr. Trump is leading Mr. DeSantis by 34 percentage points, 47% compared to 13%.

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