
Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they? 5

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Although the Captain America: Civil War fever has passed, the impression it left on the hearts of fans seems to have never faded.

However, few people seem to know that in the original comic book, the Civil War also involved many more characters and in fact, the filmmakers had to reduce the number of characters.

Let’s review with GameK the characters that were cut when Civil War was brought to the screen.


In the story, Speedball and the rest of the New Warriors are filming their reality show at Stamford High and suddenly encounter a group of villains.

This event sparked the world’s concerns about letting superheroes freely act as they wished, leading to the birth of superhero control laws.


Nitro is considered the main cause of the disaster that sparked the Civil War when this character could not control his power and caused an explosion that killed 600 people.

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Nitro was even beaten to a pulp by Wolverine and had his arm cut off during this chase.

Fantastic Four

One of the important character lines that was wasted in Captain America: Civil War is the Fantastic Four.

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Not only was there division within the Fantastic Four, Reed also helped build the Negative Zone prison, which will be used to detain opposing superheroes.


Goliath is a superhero with the ability to transform into a giant and is also a key character in Captain America’s team.

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Goliath’s death caused many superheroes to lose faith in the superhero law, leading to a series of characters such as Sue Storm, Johnny Storm and even Spider-Man defecting to Captain America’s side.


Although not one of the groups participating in the war, the X-Men team is also a character line that is extremely popular with the audience.

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

For example, Storm and Wolverine are on Captain America’s side. Wolverine is also the one who hunts Nitro quite enthusiastically, to the point that Nitro explodes, scorching his entire body, revealing his Adamantium skeleton.

Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn, also known under the nickname Green Goblin, is a villain who was joined and supervised by the SHRA organization, becoming part of a special squad managed by the government.

Great characters were wasted in Captain America: Civil War, who are they?

Not only that, in this part, he also became the leader of the Thunderbolts, a group of villains put into the national service program by the government.

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