
US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria 0

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

(Dan Tri) – What started as an internal conflict within Syria between supporters and opponents of President Bashar al-Assad since 2011, the civil war in Syria has now become an `internationalized` war.

The Washington Post in March quoted US defense officials as saying that the country’s military was planning to deploy an additional 1,000 troops to northern Syria in the near future to expand the US presence in the Middle Eastern country before the invasion.

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

Currently, the number of US soldiers participating in the war in Syria is about 800-900 people.

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

Immediately after being elected, President Donald Trump announced that he wanted to quickly destroy IS and asked the Pentagon to create a plan to achieve this goal.

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

A plane of the international coalition force led by the US flies near the Türkiye-Syria border on October 15, 2014.

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

The airstrike targeting Shayrat air base in early April was one of the strongest military moves by the US in the war in Syria, showing Washington’s determination in efforts to restore peace.

US military forces in the `pan of fire` Syria

If not counting foreign military forces participating in Syria, there are four main forces vying for influence in this country: Kurdish forces, IS, and opposition groups (such as Jaish).

According to CNN, as of March 2017, the brutal war in Syria has forced more than 5 million Syrians to leave the country and about 6.3 million people are homeless.

US soldiers appear at the headquarters of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) after the area was hit by Turkish airstrikes in Mount Karachok, near Malikiya, Syria on May 25.

A commander of US military forces (right) and a commander of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) (center) together inspect the area devastated by the Turkish airstrike in

The conflict in Syria has entered its sixth year and is devastating the country and pushing its people into dire circumstances.

Up to now, the civil war in Syria has become an `internationalized` war of many factions with the support of countries inside and outside the region.


Photo: Reuters

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