
Two famous TVB stars used to be real-life gangsters

Two famous TVB stars used to be real-life gangsters 10

Two famous TVB stars used to be real-life gangsters

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, Port Thom was considered the `stage` of these gangs.

It was not until 1997, when Hong Kong was returned to China, that these gangs, for many reasons, quickly moved their operating areas to other places.

Notably, there are two bosses among the biggest gangsters in Hong Kong (China), both of whom are celebrities and no strangers to TVB fans.

Huong Hoa Cuong

Huong Hoa Cuong was born on December 16, 1948 in Guangdong, China.

Almost all famous actors from Hong Kong (China) have appeared in films produced by Huong Hoa Cuong.

In the 90s of the last century, Huong Hoa Cuong was a `movie tycoon` that made many big stars like Jackie Chan, Chau Tinh Tri… also respect him.

Currently, Huong Hoa Cuong and his wife Tran Lam live happily in Hong Kong (China).

Tran Hue Man

In the Asian martial arts world, Tran Hue Man is not a strange name.

Tran Hue Man

Tran Hue Man was born in 1944, in a well-off family, his father was a sailor who spent all year at sea.

At the age of 16, Tran Hue Man met a friend in the 14K clan (ranked second after the Tri Hoang group).

At the age of 17, his passion for wearing a police uniform arose. Tran Hue Man took the police exam, but because it would be a few months before he turned 18, the police department accepted him, but after that, he moved to work as a prison guard.

While Tran Hue Man was a prison guard, a big brother of the 14K gang was arrested.

Tran Hue Man shared that in the 60s and 70s, gangsters sprang up like mushrooms and raged everywhere.

`No one is pure. If you don’t accept dirty money, dirty money will also be poured into your pocket. You can’t not accept it, you can accept it and then go to charity, but if you resolutely refuse to accept it, you will be isolated.`

Two famous TVB stars used to be real-life gangsters

Tran Hue Man once starred with Chau Tinh Tri.

Because he did not want to continue working as a prison guard, Tran Hue Man asked to be transferred to become a drug prevention police officer.

At that time, according to regulations, the anti-drug team replaced people every 3 months, but the new person had to earn at least 15,000 yuan within 3 months.`

Tran Hue Man worked as a police officer for several years.

At the age of 25, Tran Hue Man became the big brother of state 14K.

Every time she goes out, Tran Hue Man always has dozens of people accompanying her.

Currently, at the age of seven, Tran Hue Man is a wine dealer in Hong Kong (China) and he affirms that he still has a close relationship with the social gang.

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